We need big cheese for the portfolio cracker
Portfolio management solves problems.
Portfolio management solves problems.
Winston Churchill once said To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often.
Projects are tricky beasts.
Studies show that the decision to opt for university is an ever-exacerbating one; tuition fees rise as the chances of gaining a job decrease.
At a recent SIG event a delegate asked the above question, which caused a few head itching moments for us committee members.
I recently attended an excellent talk on corporate governance given by Philip Graf, chairman of the Gambling Commission and CfBT Education Trust among others, where he addressed the subject of behavioural issues in governance.
How does one measure the success of a project? Delivering on time and within budget, sure.
I have a problem with the Body of Knowledge.
I spent many years in my 20s thumbing through the oil stained pages of my Haynes car repair manual.
In what has been a turbulent few months, the debate on whether or not Heathrow Airport should have a third runway has hit an all-time high.